Profit and Loss Report
What to do if clients profit and loss report seems to be incorrect?
The P & L can be incorrect only under the following circumstances : Corporate actions - such as Bonus, Splits, Rights issue, Merger, Spin-Offs, Buyback. Discrepant quantities not entered or entered incorrectly for off-market transfer of shares and ...
Where client can download profit and loss reports ?
Please follow below steps to download your Profit and Loss Report - Through TT Web: 1. Login to TT Web 2.Click My Account 3.Click Portfolio 4. Select Profit & Loss Option. 5. Select segment for which you want Profit and Loss Report. 6. Select ...
What is the Profit and Loss Report ?
The Profit and Loss report displays your profit and loss on your trades done during a particular time period. It captures only realized components of your trades, which means that it will only capture those transactions, which are actually bought and ...