Can client sell all holdings at once?
Yes, client can sell all holdings by selecting the Sell Holdings option on Portfolio > Holdings screen. To do this via mobile app ,Click Here, Click Here
Can I de-materialize shares held by a single owner into a joint demat account ?
For de-materialization of shares, the name on the share certificate should match the name on the DEMAT account. If the share certificates are held by a single holder, it can't be dematerialized into a Joint demat account. If the share certificates ...
What can be done with client's delisted stocks?
Client shall not be able to do anything with the de-listed stocks unless the stock is listed again or announces an exit offer.
If client received an email from CDSL/NSDL with transaction details. Please explain why ?
IIFL is a depository participant of CDSL/NSDL where your demat account with IIFL is maintained. Client will get an SMS and email notification from CDSL/NSDL for every transaction affected in his demat account.
How can I search within my stocks in Holdings tab?
Open the IIFL markets app. From the bottom menu, click on the Portfolio tab. Below the Total G/L tab, there is a search bar present. Click on the search bar and start typing the stock symbol/ name which you want to search with your Holdings. To do ...
Where can I view my Portfolio news?
Click on the insights icon (on top right of your screen) under the holdings section in the portfolio tab. Click on 'Portfolio News' from the pop up menu. Click on the news article you want to read. To do this via mobile app, Click Here
Where can I view my Realised Gain & Loss statement?
Click on the insights icon (on top right of your screen) under the holdings section in the portfolio tab Click on 'Realised G&L' from the pop up menu Choose the segment. Select the required financial year and date and click on submit. You can view ...
What is TPIN or MPIN? How do I get it?
TPIN is authorisation code that is sent to via CDSL (Securities Depository) your registered mobile number and email address at the time of your demat account creation. Similarly, MPIN is the code sent to you via NSDL. Incase, you forget your TPIN or ...
What is Enable Selling? Why do I need to do so?
As per SEBI Mandate, you will be required to authorize your transaction via CDSL TPIN or NSDL MPIN on their website before you can sell your stocks from your holdings. Using Authorize Now button from the Holdings tab, you will be redirected to CDSL ...
What is Realised and Unrealised Gain/Loss?
An unrealized gain/loss is the increase/decrease in the value of an asset or investment that you have invested in, but have not yet sold for cash. It is called "unrealized" gain/loss because it hasn't been booked for gain/loss yet. A gain or loss ...
How do client track profit & loss of his investments and trades?
After client login to his IIFL Markets App, he can find "Portfolio" on the bottom navigation menu. This page has 3 tabs: Holdings - For the stocks that client has purchased and are present in his/her Demat account. Client can check Today's total Gain ...
If client bought a stock, when will it be visible in the Holdings?
After client buy a share, it will take T+1 day to be visible in client's Holdings. Till then, it will be visible in client's Positions tab.(Eg, if client buy a stock on Monday, it should reflect in client's Holdings on Tuesday) Note: Client's shares ...
How do client sort the stocks in my Portfolio?
The Holdings are listed Alphabetically (from A to Z) by default. This can be changed by using the Sort button on top right of the screen. You can sort your stocks Alphabetically, based on % Change of Gain and Loss or Current Value of the Holdings. To ...
What information does Holdings tab provide?
Holdings tab comprises of all your stocks in your demat account. This has two sections: The top section has the consolidated performance parameters of the Holdings in your portfolio. These include the Current Value of your portfolio, Total Unrealized ...
What information is available in the Portfolio section?
Portfolio section gives you consolidated information about all your investments and trades.. This page has 3 tabs: Holdings - For the stocks that you have purchased and are present in your Demat account Positions - To track your open & closed ...