Mutual Fund
When can I place the order on the new platform?
For Mutual Fund clients, after onboarding, if the client’s KYC status is validated and the bank is verified, they can place an order Post15 minutes of activation. Special Note: Post our bank verification, the exchange also performs bank verification, ...
Do I need to upload a client’s signature for onboarding?
• Digital Journey: No, if the client selects the Digital Journey and their bank account is verified through a penny drop, no signature upload is required. • Physical Journey: Yes, if the bank verification fails or if the client opts for the Physical ...
How is joint account opening improved?
Yes, the new system supports the digital onboarding of minor clients.
Can minor clients be onboarded digitally?
Yes, the new system supports the digital onboarding of minor clients.
What are the key features of the new onboarding process?
• Digital Onboarding: Clients can be onboarded completely digitally if they select the Digital Journey. No signature upload is required if the bank account is verified through a penny drop. • Physical Journey: If the client selects the Phygital ...