Why was my redemption order rejected?
There are different reasons for rejection of the redemption order. Reasons are as follows: 1. If units are under Lockin Period then you can place redemption order post completion of Lockin period. 2. If the units are under Pledge, then first you will ...
How NRI Trade get Settled for Cash and FNO?
Please find the process details as below for your reference. >NRI Contract notes are Generated in Buy & Sell wise >On T-Day EOD, all NRI Trades get Reported to PIS (Banks) >From PIS (Banks), Contract notes are Settled in T+1 Day >Charges like - AMC, ...
If Mutual Fund order is rejected then when will client get a refund?
BSE standard TAT for refund for Transaction + 7 working days.
How Custody Trade get Settled for Cash and FNO?
Custody Trade gets settled as per below process. > Participants code is mandatory for trades (NSE and BSE) > Client's Trade settlements done by custody > Broker has to report all trades to custody on same day by 3:30 pm > DP account maintained by ...
When will I receive an allotment for NFO order?
Once the NFO period of a new scheme is over, the mutual fund company allots the units in NFO Close date + 5 working days.
How does the BUYBACK Contract Payment get settled ?
BUYBACK Contract Payment gets settled as per below process. > In BuyBack, contract payment get settled directly in Bank accounts > In BuyBack, ledger posting is done for charges only
How to update Email ID/ Mobile number in RTA records for units held in Physical mode?
For CAMS- https://www.camsonline.com/Investors/Service-requests/Updation_Email_Id_or_Mobile_No/Update-email For KARVY - https://mfs.kfintech.com/investor/Transact/ChangeFolioEmail
How does CUSPA Pledge Work ?
CUSA Ledge work as per per below process. > If the client is in Debit on Settlement date, Client's buy stock will be marked as CUSPA PLEDGE. > CUSPA Pledge stockes will be released once the client is in Credit within 6 days or for any Sell Obligation ...
How to check PAN - Aadhaar Link Status?
To check - https://eportal.incometax.gov.in/iec/foservices/#/pre-login/link-aadhaar-status
How Auction charges Levied to Client's on Securities ?
Please note auction charges as below for your reference. > In case of Internal Shortage for Seller, 10% Auction charges will be levied on T Day closing rate (Auction Debit). > In case of Internal Shortage for Buyer, 10% Auction charges on T Day ...
What is the email id for sending the DIS scan image for execution (CDSL demat accounts)?
For CDSL Demat a/c, pls send a DIS scan image on cdsl@iifl.com for execution. While sending the mail for DIS processing, pls mention the Trading code and Slip number in the subject line.
How to buy Mutual Fund ?
To register Mutual Fund Lumpsum/SIP, you can follow the steps mentioned below: Through IIFL Mobile App(Client Login): Open the menu on IIFL Markets App. > Click on Mutual Funds. > Select Buy MF/SIP > Click on Buy for Lumpsum order > Click on SIP to ...
How to check the Status of DIS execution�?
You can check the status of DIS processing on AAA - DP Scrip Payout option (Login -> More -> Wire Reports -> DP Scrip Payout).
How to cancel Mutual Fund SIP?
SIP should be cancelled before 3 days from SIP due date. You can login to mf.indiainfoline.com _Holding_ Ongoing SIP_Select sip_Stop SIP.
Why is CML required along with DIS?
Clients have to submit the latest CML of outside target demat a/c along with DIS when the share transfer reason is mentioned as � Transfer to own account �. Holder names with the source & target demat account are one and same and in the same order ...
How to do OTP authentication for DIS execution, if the client has not received the OTP link from CDSL depository?
If otp link not received by client from CDSL Depository then client can do OTP authentication from CDSL website - www.cdslindia.com - Quick Links - OTP Authentication (Off Market / Inter Depository Authentication)
Can all clients of IIFL avail Mutual Fund SIP facility?
Yes, all active clients can avail the Mutual Fund SIP facility.
Do I need to login on every Mutual Fund SIP date to place the Mutual Fund SIP orders?
No, once you register a SIP request , basis of instructions Exchange will trigger the SIP orders on every SIP date, SIP will be executed on the successful SIP amount debit.
How to calculate stamp duty amount for off market sell transactions?
Go to www.cdslindia.com - Quick link - Stamp Duty Calculator
Can I place Mutual Fund SIP request in any Mutual Fund Scheme?
Mutual Fund SIP requests can be placed in all mutual fund schemes available on BSE Star MF scheme master. Scheme Master gets updated as available in the BSE exchange. Every mutual fund scheme will have an objective, suggested investment horizon, risk ...
What is the address for sending the original DIS?
After DIS processed on scan image, the Original DIS to be dispatched to CDSL DP within 3 days at IIFL Securities Limited, 701, Akruti Centre Point, Central Road, Marol MIDC, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400093 (CDSL DP Department)
Can I place Mutual Fund SIP Request at any time during the day?
Yes. You may place Mutual Fund SIP Request at any time during the day and even post market hours.
Is it mandatory to affix Branch stamps with date and time of receipt on Delivery Instruction Slip ?
Yes. Affix Branch stamp with date and time of receipt on Delivery Instruction Slip wherever blank space is available (wire circular no. 2022/03/001 dated 08th March 2022)
How many Mutual Fund SIP Requests can I place in a day? Is there a restriction on the number of Mutual Fund Schemes in which Mutual Fund SIP can be placed by a client?
You can place multiple Mutual Fund SIP Requests in a day for different Mutual Fund Schemes or for the same Mutual Fund according to your mandate limit. Note: Mandate limit is set date wise.
How to apply for Buy Back online ?
Request you to please follow the below process. Login to website ttweb.indiainfoline.com Click on Market Tab Client on Offer to Buy (OTB) option to place the order. (Please Note: The POA/DDPI has to be updated in demat and trading account with IIFL ...
When would IIFL place my Mutual Fund SIP orders?
Based on sip registration the subsequent order will get triggered however the settlement will happen on the basis of funds receipt & Exchange/AMC level.
Is there a possibility that my entire Mutual Fund SIP order may not be executed at the exchange?
Yes, processing of SIP order is subject to successful settlement of funds for the SIP amount. As IIFL Securities receives payment confirmation, all the SIPs will be executed. Hence we request our clients to maintain sufficient balance at least two ...
How to participate in buy back, if POA / DDPI is not updated in demat a/c?
Client can submit Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) duly filled to participate for Buy Back.
At what price will Mutual Fund SIP orders be placed and where it can see details for the same?
Units will be allotted at closing NAV of the scheme on the SIP date or the applicable business date & payment received date(As per the exchange TAT). If the SIP date is a non-business day. You can view the details of all successfully placed SIP ...
How to check and download DP Holding Statement?
You can check and download the holding report from TT EXE / AAA.
How do I differentiate between Mutual Fund SIP orders and lump sum orders in the order book?
Mutual Fund SIP orders and lump sum order book details are visible from 2 different reports through Mobile app(Client Login) 1.Click-Menu > MF Order History > Select Lumpsum/SIP 2.Through MF online portal > Holdings > Portfolio > Ongoing SIP > SIP ...
What if client has forgotten to allocate enough funds for his Mutual Fund SIP order. Is order be liable to be rejected?
Yes, the order will get rejected if you do not have sufficient funds in your account. Hence it is important for you to maintain the required balance in your bank account at least two working days prior sip due date. Also, client can place additional ...
How to get holdings for Karvy demat Account?
Holding Statement can be downloaded from https://www.indiainfoline.com/ - Login to DP (OTP Based) OR Client can write to cs@iifl.com
How can I withdraw money from mutual fund schemes?
Investors can visit the MF portfolio section on the app or website, and initiate redemption/switch from the selected scheme(s). Through Online Portal: Login MF website>click on Mutual funds>MF dashboard>Portfolio>Select Portfolio option>Select ...
How to download CML Report?
You can download the CML Report from TT EXE.
How to get the Transmission procedure?
You can raise the query in zoho crm for transmission procedure mentioned in the details of deceased holder demat a/c number , Trading code, Deceased holder name, Date of deceased holder and copy of death certificate.
Can I get the MF redemption proceeds immediately?
Whenever redemption is initiated in a mutual fund scheme, the realization of funds to the investor is not immediate - in case of liquid funds the investor gets the funds the next business day in case of other schemes the timelines could be even ...
I want to consolidate my mutual fund holdings across platforms. How can I do that?
We have enabled a unique feature Transfer Holdings on our platforms. Investors can transfer their holdings outside IIFL Securities to IIFL Securities with changes as applicable with a single click.
How to check the Pending dematerialization status?
If the holding shows Pending Demat in the holding statement, it means the demat request is pending with the company / RTA for further confirmation. RTA takes a maximum 30 days to process the demat request from their end. Once RTA confirm the demat ...
What if the SIP is not debited from a savings account for a particular month, will the same be continued for next month ?
Yes the SIP for the next month will continue to be debited.
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