Why was my position squared off?

Why was my position squared off?

Your position could have been squared off for a number of reasons such as

  • Intraday trades will auto squared off at 3:15 pm for the Cash segment & 3:20 for the F&O segment.
  • Intraday trades will be squared off if you lose 80% of your Available Margin.
  • When you don't maintain the minimum required Margin in your account your shares will be squared off 4 days after the shortfall occurs.
  • When your shares bought using Margin are down by more than 50% of your Funds balance, square off will be done on the next trading day.
  • Shares bought under Margin Product need to be fully paid or pledged, failing which the shares willl be sqaured off after 7 days.
  • If your account goes under debit/negative balance, then your shares will be squared off after 7 days.