Where can I download the freeze account details along with the reason?
You can download the freeze account details along with the reason from AAA. Please log in to AAA, navigate to the "Report" section, then click on "Freeze Details." Select the reason, and click on "View Report" to download the Freeze Client Report.
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Where can FAN check freeze reason of client?
>Login to AAA (https://aaa.indiainfoline.com/login) Reports >Summaries>Freeze details >Select Freeze Reason/All>View Report. Or You can check freeze reason on entering the client code. This report can be downloaded in pdf/excel format.
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Why is CML required along with DIS?
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I want to check mutual fund order rejection reason/details
To check mutual fund order rejection reason Please log in to AAA, go to Reports, and select Online SIP Report to view report.
Where I can check Minor, Non-individuals, HUF Account and corporate account rejection reason?
You can check the reason for your account rejection in the Client Activation Portal (iifl.in/activation). Go to the Application Tracker, then enter the client ID to view the rejection reason.