What is normal TAT for Pan and Aadhar linking ?
What is normal TAT for Pan and Aadhar linking ?
Process is entirely dependent on Income Tax Dept and NSDL e-governance and normally it takes approx 5 days for successfully reflecting linked status.
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What is normal TAT for Pan and Aadhar linking ?
Process is entirely dependent on Income Tax Dept and NSDL e-governance and normally it takes approx 5 days for successfully reflecting linked status.
What is normal TAT for Pan and Aadhar linking
Process is entirely dependent on Income Tax Dept and NSDL egovernance and normally it takes approx 5 days for successfully reflecing linked status.
What is normal TAT for Pan and Aadhar linking
Process is entirely dependent on Income Tax Dept and NSDL egovernance and normally it takes approx 5 days for successfully reflecing linked status.
Can we activate new account without Pan and Aadhar linking
We have made changes in all on-boarding journeys for individual and Pan which are not linked with Aadhar will not be able to open new account.
Can we activate new account without Pan and Aadhar linking
We have made changes in all on-boarding journeys for individual and Pan which are not linked with Aadhar will not be able to open new account.