How to remove NRO/NRI clients from Dormant?
To remove the NRO/NRI from dormant please share the scan copy of dormant removal form. Download form from AAA.
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Which Clients are treated as Dormant ?
Clients who have not done any trade or transactions in the last 365 days are treated as Dormant Clients and such clients are not able to trade unless the same is removed from dormancy.
Which Clients are treated as Dormant ?
Clients who have not done any trade or transactions in the last 365 days are treated as Dormant Clients and such clients are not able to trade unless the same is removed from dormancy.
Which Clients are treated as Dormant?
Client who has not done any trade or transactions in last 24 months are treated as Dormant Clients and such clients are not able to trade unless same is removed from dormancy.
Which Clients are treated as Dormant?
Client who has not done any trade or transactions in last 2 years days are treated as Dormant Clients and such clients are not able to trade unless same is removed from dormancy.
How to remove clients from Dormancy?
Dormant clients get pop up messages in Ttweb or MobileApp to confirm his latest KYC details. Once the client confirms the latest details and clicks on the submit button his request is accepted. Such a request is then sent to the exchange and ...