How to Redeem Mutual Fund units in case of Non POA/DDPI ?
How to Redeem Mutual Fund units in case of Non POA/DDPI ?
Kindly get the POA mapped or alternatively in client's login option is available to place the order using the EDIS TPIN facility for non poa clients from Mutual fund website.
Kindly get the POA mapped or alternatively in client login option is available to place the order using the EDIS TPIN facility for non poa clients from Mutual fund website
Kindly get the POA mapped or alternatively in client's login option is available to place the order using the EDIS TPIN facility for non poa clients from Mutual fund website.
Kindly get the POA mapped or alternatively in client login option is available to place the order using the EDIS TPIN facility for non poa clients from Mutual fund website
You can redeem the Mutual Fund units, through below mentioned processes. 1. For POA enabled accounts the Mutual Fund is purchased in online mode.Login via MF website - Dashboard - Holdings - Portfolio - Click on the drop down of the Mutual Fund ...
You can redeem the Mutual Fund units, through below mentioned processes. 1. For POA enabled accounts the Mutual Fund is purchased in online mode.Login via MF website - Dashboard - Holdings - Portfolio - Click on the drop down of the Mutual Fund ...